Healthy Food, Korean Food

Continuous consumption of Korean traditional food will help prevent adult diseases and obesity.

In 2008, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries did a clinical trial, with the medical school of Cheonbuk National University, on the ‘excellence of Korean Food and traditional food.’ The effects of Korean Food were confirmed with this trial.
Although people following a diet based on Korean food such as bibimbap and gimbap had more consumption of carbohydrates, they showed relatively low glycemic index and insulin index proving a lower risk of getting adult diseases.
Insulin Secretion Index: 20 21.5% rural and 25.2% for 40 and 50Change in triglycerides (mg/d0): bibipbap (16.5g) 36.5%, seaweed (17.1g) 24.5%, tonkatsu (25.3g) 95.0%, hamburger (23.2g) 83.3%
There were clear effects of gochujang (red chilli paste), and doenjang (soybean paste), on obesity, which are crucial ingredients of Korean Food. The changes in body fat and abdominal visceral fat in gochujang and doenjang consumption groups were observed for 12 weeks. The results showed a decrease in triglycerides, in the gochujang consumption group, and a decrease of visceral fat was observed in the doenjang consumption group.
Changes in Triglycerides when Consuming GochujangChanges in Cross-Section of Visceral Fat when Consuming Doenjang
Insulin resistance (diabetes reduction), triglyceride (TG) reduction, reduction of abdominal obesity

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